Changes in Insulin Sensitivity, Appetite Hormones, Body Composition, and Energy Expenditure after Weight Loss induced by Bariatric Surgery


Changes in Insulin Sensitivity, Appetite Hormones, Body Composition, and Energy Expenditure after Weight Loss induced by Bariatric Surgery

  • The purpose of these studies are to examine insulin sensitivity, appetite hormones, metabolic rate and body composition before and after weight loss induced by gastric bypass, gastric banding, or sleeve gastrectomy surgery.
  • Participation involves visits to Columbia Medical Center before and after surgery for blood tests and measurement of metabolism, body fat and muscle mass.
  • We provide compensation for participants’ time (up to $150 for each visit) and travel (up to $20 per visit). The total amount of compensation will depend on the study and the type of surgery you are having.

Are you Eligible? (Inclusion Criteria)

  • Patients between the ages of 18 and 75
  • Patients scheduled to undergo gastric bypass, gastric banding, or sleeve gastrectomy

Specialty Area(s)


Trial Location

United States