A couple of highlights from around the web that made it into our feeds this week.
Cases of alpha-gal syndrome caused by tick bites on the rise, CDC reports
A food allergy caused by ticks is rising in the United States. More and more people are developing allergic reactions to the sugar galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose, or ‘alpha-gal’ for short. Alpha-gal is found in animal products like meat, pork, and dairy, and it turns out, in the saliva of lone star ticks. Reactions don’t respond like many other food allergies, often delayed several hours from initial exposure. There’s still a lot to unpack here scientifically, and also much to know from what has already been discovered. Physicians and researchers are keen on spreading the word because many healthcare providers still don’t know this allergy exists. (From statnews.com)
How Fake Science Sells Wellness
From Instagram to the grocery store, we are inundated with products claiming magical health benefits. In the last decade, the “wellness” industry has exploded to become more invasive than ever. With companies using scientific language to tout positive results and life-changing effects, it can be near impossible to know what’s real and what’s simply false advertising. This article does a good job of breaking down some of the warning signs and shares useful tips on how to spot dubious studies and false claims. (From nytimes.com)
And now for the pièce de résistance—
If you’re out in the world, it’s been impossible to avoid the hype and excitement surrounding the release of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie movie last weekend. Hot pink Barbie fever took over New York City, the internet, and much of the world.
To our surprise (and excitement), Craig Smith, MD, heart surgeon and Chair of the Department of Surgery, had Barbie fever long ahead of the curve. Years ago, he found one of his daughter’s Barbie shoes under a sofa cushion. It was about the same time he began pursuing photography as a hobby in earnest. What started as a few still-life photographs featuring the iconic Barbie heel turned into a full-blown series. Soon enough, that miniature shoe traversed Dr. Smith’s world.
While Dr. Smith says he’s “been shoe sober since 2015,” we can only hope all the movie fervor brings it back for a reprise. Without further ado, here are but a few of the images from his Barbie series.
In the Natural World
Sculpture, Rocks, and International Travel
Balls and Blue
Home Life
Also, check out The Culture Consult:
- Dr. Craig Smith on What He’s Been Reading Lately
- Dr. Abraham Kirkhely on What He’s Been Reading Lately