Endocrinologist Dr. Hyesoo Lowe and endocrine surgeons Dr. Jennifer H. Kuo and Dr. Katie McManus discuss current trends and practices in thyroid surgery, including the growing importance of personalized medicine
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Craig Smith, Chair of the Department of Surgery, sends updates to faculty and staff about pandemic response and priorities. Stay up to date with us.
As vaccination increases, COVID-19 protocols are changing nationwide. In this interview, Francine Castillo, Director of Practice Operations, discusses what to expect when you come to the hospital for an appointment.
Obesity is not a result of individuals making bad or unhealthy choices. It is about the kinds of food that are made available to people, the ways they are presented, and the difficulty of gaining a nuanced and personalized understanding of diet and nutrition.
It’s been another year of many challenges, but not one without triumphs. As 2021 comes to a close, we’re reminded of some incredible moments, exciting discoveries, and amazing people who led the way. Here are a few of them.
Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Dr. Craig Smith, Chair of the Department of Surgery, sends updates to faculty and staff about pandemic response and priorities. Stay up to date with us.
This discussion with Columbia’s Dr. Ethel Siris explains some of the most important aspects of life-long bone health, including ways of preventing osteoporosis starting at any age and when and how to seek treatment for fragile bones. Plus, common sense—yet often-overlooked—tips on avoiding fractures.
Losing weight isn't as easy as reversing the lifestyle changes that made you gain it; genetics and socioeconomic context play a huge role. Weight loss surgery is not only medically-proven, it's life-saving, but none of this is straightforward.