Join us for a live, virtual question and answer session with the bariatric surgery team at Columbia’s Center for Metabolic & Weight Loss Surgery. Looking into bariatric surgery? Get info straight from the experts!
Thursday, Feb 11th
5pm EST
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This goal of this session is to help you understand all the risks, benefits, and options for weight loss surgery and bariatric procedures. Our experts will be taking your questions, as well as answering some of the most common questions they receive from their patients.
Our Experts
Marc Bessler, MD | Bariatric Surgeon
Abraham Krikhely, MD | Bariatric Surgeon
Weight loss surgery is a life-changing decision. We want to make sure you have all the information and support you need as you consider your options. We hope to see you soon!
Weight Loss Surgery Q & A: Ask The Experts
Thursday, Feb 11th, 2021 | 5pm EST
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