Medical Student Orientation

Surgery Clerkship Overview

Welcome to the Major Clinical Year Surgery Clerkship! You are beginning your medical training at an exciting time for the field of surgery. Innovative technologies provide new, minimally invasive approaches to the management of many diseases. Advances in surgical immunology promise improved outcomes in transplantation, giving hope to people with renal, hepatic, cardiac, pulmonary and pancreatic failure. New percutaneous technical advances in treatment of cardiac and vascular diseases have altered significantly surgical practices and are an area of exciting new developments on an interdisciplinary scale. Translational research that brings new knowledge from the bench to the bedside progressively expands our capacity to treat advanced cardiac and oncologic disease. Leaders across every field of surgery continue to advance our base of knowledge and skills, propelling an ever-higher standard of care.


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Our Locations

Medical Student Orientation Program
Milstein Hospital Building, MH7 307GS
177 Fort Washington Avenue
New York, NY 10032
Phone: 212.305.9596