When diagnosed with breast cancer, Eileen Z. Fuentes, a Columbia University employee, experienced cancer treatment from a patient’s perspective. Having worked for Columbia, she knew she was in capable hands during her treatment; however, she was determined to play an active part of her own health and recovery and was unsure how to do so. After her recovery, she worked with the Clinical Breast Cancer Program to develop The Wellness Series in order to help patients like herself.
Led by Eileen, The Wellness Series is now a weekly program that teaches cancer patients and survivors about integrative therapies – or the incorporation of non-medical therapy such as diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress care, and more – to best support their treatment and improve their physical wellbeing, as well as to empower them to take an active role in their treatment.
The program primarily focuses on self-care, holistic health, and physical activity. It offers advice about important aspects of life including relationships, spirituality, careers, advocacy, and self-empowerment. Through presentations from invited experts, open discussions, and interactive activities, the goal of the program is to educate participants to work with their physicians while advocating for themselves and learning more about:
- reducing side-effects of treatment
- improving the quality of their life
- cancer prevention
- eliminating disparities in cancer care
- empowering/supporting caregivers, loved ones and children of our participants
Who can participate in this program?
All who are currently diagnosed with cancer or who are cancer survivors are encouraged to participate in this program. Material will be taught in both English and Spanish.
When and where is this program?
The series is currently on break for the summer, but weekly sessions will resume in Fall 2015. Location details will be provided upon registration.
How can I learn more about The Wellness Series?
To learn more and to register, please call us at 646.543.4611 or email ed326@cumc.columbia.edu