NYP/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital has one of the most advanced pediatric intestinal transplantation and rehabilitation programs in the country. “We have developed new protocols using induction therapy and in last four years, have achieved 100 percent one-year patient survival,” reports Mercedes Martinez, MD, Director of the Intestinal Transplant Program at the Center for Liver Disease. “We also are developing new research studying mechanisms of rejection in these patients.” Clinicians at NYP/Morgan Stanley are also working with four other major medical centers to develop a unified protocol for intestinal rehabilitation, and are submitting a multicenter NIH grant to apply the latest research in immunology.
The frequency of pediatric intestinal transplantation has decreased nationwide with advances in rehabilitation and Dr. Martinez is now conducting a study on a new hormone to aid that process by increasing intestinal absorption. Glucagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2), commercially known as Gatex, has been approved for the treatment of short bowel syndrome in adults by FDA. This clinical trial will determine its safety and effectiveness in children.
“We also have one of the most comprehensive programs in the nation for pediatric liver transplantation with better than expected outcomes for patients and graft survival, at one month, three years and five years” Says Dr. Martinez. “Our living donor program is the only in the country to offer laparoscopic removal of the graft, allowing the donor to return to work and normal life activities faster. Jean Emond, MD and Tomoaki Kato, MD, are among the few surgeons in the country able to address portal systemic hypertension using REX bypass.”
In addition, NYP/Morgan Stanley is a center of excellence for treating pediatric liver tumors. The center’s unique multidisciplinary approach involves collaboration with pediatric oncologists, hepatologists and transplant surgeons.
“Our researchers are now developing a new way to address autoimmune liver diseases, pre- and post-transplant, collaborating with Columbia Center for Translational Immunology (CCTI),” says Dr. Martinez.
More information on pediatric liver transplantation here:
More information on pediatric intestinal transplantation here: