A few highlights from around the web that made it into our feeds this week.
In the Pancreas, Common Fungi May Drive Cancer
A new study found that certain fungi can settle in the pancreas, where they spur the growth of tumors. The intriguing new findings initially came as a bit of a surprise to researchers, opening up new avenues to explore. When we asked John Chabot, MD, Director of the Pancreas Center, how he interprets the research, he said:
“We know inflammation of the pancreas does the same so this makes sense. It is too early to propose antifungals for prevention or treatment but stay tuned.” Stay tuned, indeed. (From nytimes.com)
Startups are selling you pills through Instagram. Why don’t they say which ones?
More and more companies are selling subscription-based medications on Instagram. While marketing directly to consumers isn’t new, the tone and approach companies are taking to skirt regulations around marketing pharmaceuticals are. Should health advertising be conflated with other industries, or does it require special consideration? (From vox.com)
What we know about the mysterious vaping-linked illness and deaths
Updates about the mysterious vaping-linked illness and deaths keep coming, and a crackdown on e-cigarettes has begun. How do these findings continue to impact the big picture?
This article does a good job of covering much of what we know so far and answers important questions about who is affected, what brands have been implicated, the up-to-date response from policymakers, and critical details in between. (From washingtonpost.com)
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- What We’re Reading: 09/27/19
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- What We’re Reading: 08/30/19
- What We’re Reading: 08/19/19